Back in Singapore Day 672

Cloudy, 24 29 degree Celsius.




其实仔细的想想,还蛮庆幸自己还没嫁人。当然有时是希望那个他会”pop the question”。。可是有了家庭后,就没有办法做到我想要的,无法达成自己的理想,更不用想什么梦想。最理想的情况就是在结婚之前赶快达成自己的梦想,那人生就真的无憾了!

Or maybe, I just have commitment phobia, thus the above are just excuses?? There are many quality men around me, but after many failed attempts in relationships, I have turned very wary of men. I am seriously worried about choosing someone who turns out to be unsuitable for me!!



Ps:爸爸买了robotic vacuum cleaner,很贵很贵,但现在不用自己或妈妈扫地、抹地了,超爽!哈哈!!

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Back in Singapore Day 595

Thunderstorm, 2432 degree Celsius.


愕然发现,原来社会是这样的。。不是自己有多努力,老板有多喜欢/欣赏自己,自己的作品有多令人赞叹,就能怎么样。还有很多环境的因素要被考验。我自问自己已经尽力了,事实上老板和客户都对我的作品比满意还要满意。可是,最后却败给了环境和一些与能力无关的因素上。。我努力地打拼,可以做的,我几乎都做了,现在 the ball is in their court,我已经不懂该怎么做了,也没什么能够做的。有句话,终于应验在我身上了:计划赶不上变化。我讨厌这样子的变化!

现在不懂怎么办,因为已经由不得我来作主了。也不知道是否应该继续无止尽地等下去。毕竟在新加坡,真的很难找到自己喜欢的工作,而老板也对自己不错(到目前为止)。真的是 “My faith is shaking” 。要等,还是不等?我真的不知道。




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Back in Singapore Day 578

Fair, 2432 degree Celsius.

Yesterday, I was invited to a lunch networking and filming event at Dignity Kitchen.

Initially, I thought that it’s just a marketing event whereby guests would be introduced to Dignity Kitchen and what we can do to help out. However, it turned out otherwise. More than just mere introduction, Mr Koh, CEO and founder of Dignity Kitchen repeatedly stressed about perserverance and determination. He was a M & A (Merger and Acquisition) consultant and a very famous personnel in India and China who authored 3 books about success. With such a high social standing and huge paycheck, he could have just continued with his M & A consultancy firm and enjoyed a wealthy life.

Yet, unlike most other people who only thought about themselves (me included), Mr Koh felt disheartened when he came back to Singapore from Britain to find elderlys clearing tables in hawker centres. Now, this is something he found very strange. He said ,”There is a difference between the NEED to work, and the WANT to work”. Wow, that struck a chord with me. I have never given much thought about elderlys clearing tables.. In fact, it has become such a common sight in Singapore nowadays that it has become 理所当然. That was also about time when he decided that somebody should set up Dignity Kitchen to help the less fortunate in our society.

Although Dignity Kitchen is still relatively quite new and small in scale compared to other more established F & B organisations, I believe that it will be the next big thing in the scene. We really liked the idea of this project and their mission: “To build and return the dignity to the disabled and disadvantaged through vocation with passion”. I hope that I can help them probably in terms of marketing their business so that more people are aware of this great social enterprise. Also hope that Dignity Kitchen will continue to help the disadvantaged in Singapore and elsewhere, so that they too, are able to lead a normal independent life.

Through the event, I learnt that great projects and great people do not succeed purely by luck. In fact, they are the people who met the most obstacles. The biggest difference between these successful people and normal not-as-successful ones is perserverance and determination. It made me feel so small and guilty.. Mr Koh had to pass so many hurdles to set up Dignity Kitchen. With his social status and wealth, he could have just given up easily. But he didn’t. He perservered. He was confident. He was determined to succeed. And for his students? They too, perservered to blend into our society, even when circumstances made it super difficult for them. They did not give up.

I admit I am at my lowest during this period of time. I believe that this invitation to this event is a gift and message sent from God to tell me not to give up. I will continue to push on with my cause and perservere to get what I want. I am confident I can do it and I WILL do it!!

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Back in Singapore Day 576

Sunny, 2532 degree Celsius.

Wow, I don’t remember when was the last time I’m using my lappie to type a blog post.

Have been feeling depressed these 2 weeks. I procrastinate and think too much when I am free, and all these negativities are leading to depression and anxiety! I guess, I really cannot be free!!

It’s really hard.. not to think too much, considering I’m a natural worrier (nope, that doesn’t imply I’m a pessismist or negative person).. when things aren’t progressing the way I envision it to be. I understand that giving and taking are all parts and parcel of life and I cannot be getting what I want all the time. However, recent events have led this “want” into a necessary “need”. How can I not worry then?? With things keep getting pushed around and yes, I can feel the planetary movements, I worry where I will end up at eventually. Moreover, the Europe crisis is not helping me in any way!

I don’t know what I should/should not do. I don’t know what I should/should not think. And the crux of it all, I don’t know where I should/should not end up at. He tells me not to think too much.. But I can’t help feeling highly insecure.. And it’s making me crazy..

After these 2 weeks (which honestly felt like a lifetime) of depression, I finally came to my senses that.. since I have already done what I think I should do to secure what I want, and I can only wait for the ball to come back to my court, I should do something to upgrade my life, thereby making me a better person who is better prepared for the upcoming challenges ahead. Ultra long sentence indeed. Even if things don’t progress smoothly *choy!!*, by then I would already have become a better person than I am today.

So I am reading a lot. And meeting/interacting with a lot of people. In the 2 weeks, I have almost finished reading (twice) all the motivational/self-imporvement books I own. I’m thinking, maybe I should start reading textbooks etc to learn new skills and acquire more work-related knowledge. But I don’t know where to start? I’ll figure that out in no time. In addition, I’m also starting a new exercise regime which I really hope I can stick to. I need some much-needed oxygen on top of (toned) muscles and improved circulation. Even if I don’t, at least I feel better knowing that I’m treating my body well. Also, I’m slowly making myself sleep earlier. This one needs some gradual getting used to. Like 30 mins earlier every night, and waking up earlier every morning. It’s true that I’m still getting horrible nightmares of my worst fears every night, thus making me wake up in tears every 2 hours (used to be every 1 hour), but I have to believe in myself that I CAN DO IT!!

Now, I look forward to a better me and better opportunities ahead! I shall go full steam ahead and realise all my goals one at a time!! 80% perserverance and determination + 20% work = 100% success!!

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Back in Singapore Day 542

Sunny, 24 – 31 degree Celsius.





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Back in Singapore Day 534

Clear, 24 – 30 degree Celsius.



事业方面,真的是忙忙忙,但又觉得很像空忙一场。今年的我,可以说把这个社会看得比较清楚、透彻,发现和我原来认为的,差太多了。所有课堂上学的道德理念等等,原来只停留在课堂里。每个人似乎都在"人不为己,天诛地灭"里活着,已经失去了应有的道德观。原来充满朝气和美好憧憬的我,进入了社会后,发现我原有的信念,根本不存在这个尔虞我诈的社会里。令我最痛的是,在现实里,医疗是可以挂上价格标签(price tag)的。我也只不过是个凡人,当然也想赚很多钱,但绝对不是用这样的方法。反正,这里的医疗保健,让我很灰心。所以我不断地再思考,自己选择的这条路,到底是不是正确的。我无法做出让自己违背良心的事。这样说好像有点言重了。应该说,我无法 do things against my conscience or principles and earn money at the expense of others。也许,我应该现在就跳车。用其他的方法赚钱,来完成自己大大小小的梦想。


2012年,我要起程了。不想再虚度观音在那里procrastinate和原地踏步。现在有的好机会,我会好好、牢牢地把握,一切都要按大计划进行。不能再天马行空,认为世界那么完美。我要在2012年里创造我的事业,2014年达成我的梦想!感情方面。。我只有放下 and move on 的选择。。但这次我会好好的挑选,不要再有被某些激素冲昏头脑的现象发生。顺其自然。


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Back in Singapore Day 498

Showers, 2429 degree Celsius.



有一句话,我觉得真的是很经典:塞翁失马,焉知非福。这有点和运气有关。然后还有,就是要肯做、努力。所以,努力 + 机会 + 运气 = 成功。往往,机会和运气是无法自己掌控的,不过要懂得辨认机会、抓准时机。还有,努力也是至关重要的。



我喜欢和不同的人互动、交流,因为可以从他们的身上学到不少的东西。所以呢,我得到的不仅仅是金钱上的报酬,更可贵的是我从客户身上学到的知识。最令我出乎意料的是,两边的客户都希望我能够进他们的公司工作。起初还以为他们只是说说罢了,没想到是认真的。其中一份是超高薪的,因为是(某上市公司)董事长的左右手,所以衣食住行都由公司负责,基本上自己不需要花到一分钱。而且又能到处飞来飞去。还有就是,肯定的是,会进入上流社会,对我以后要做的项目,是很有帮助的。但是基于某些原因,也经过了反复的思考和与不同的人交谈,最后决定推掉它了。。然后还有另外一份,薪水也是很不错,比一般的中医薪水高出蛮多的,也有一直飞来飞去的机会,而最重要的是有机会学习做生意的技巧。但是说了那么多,我只会把我的名字签下了后,才会觉得真实。不会在这个时候沾沾自喜,因为在一切都还没成定局时,皆有可能会有变数(touch wood)。所以就拭目以待吧。



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Back in Singapore Day 475

Clear, 2430 degree Celsius.




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Back in Singapore Day 474

Rainy, 2429 degree Celsius.


最怕回忆 突然翻滚绞痛着 不平息
最怕突然 听到你的消息

不愿 那是悲伤的哭泣
事到如今 终于让自己属于 我自己
只剩眼泪 还骗不过自己

突然好想你 你会在哪里
突然好想你 突然锋利的回忆

我们 像一首最美丽的 歌曲
变成两部悲伤的 电影

为什么你 带我走过最难忘的旅行
然后留下 最痛的纪念品


突然好想你 你会在哪里
突然好想你 突然锋利的回忆

最怕回忆 突然翻滚绞痛着 不平息
最怕突然 听到你的消息

最怕此生 已经决心自己过 没有你



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Back in Singapore Day 467

Clear, 24 – 31 degree Celsius.

I know I know, it has been exactly one month since my last post. Had actually planned to write on my 25th birthday and my trip to malacca, but been too busy writing letters and doing translations recently.

The reason I’m blogging at this ungodly hour is that.. Something just happened downstairs about 1 hour ago.

At 12 midnight exactly (I know it’s 12mn exactly as I was watching Animal Planet and the new show was just beginning), there was a loud crash and obvious skidding of a vehicle downstairs. Even my dad was awakened, so you can actually imagine how loud it was. Then there was a lot a lot a lot of smoke coming from the vehicle that had overturned. Next thing I knew, there was a strong smell of burnt tires floating into my room. And many people ran to the scene of the accident, so did the paramedics stationed downstairs. The casualty was wheeled to the hospital within a few minutes. There is police now and the 2 vehicles are still there.

Anyway, that’s not the point. Accidents happening and the sirens of ambulance never fail to cause an adrenaline rush reaction on me, even till now. I guess my stint at the A&E department during my internship has made me very sensitive to accidents. And all of a sudden, I see flashbacks of my whole internship period. They were playing very quickly in front of me.

It suddenly dawned on me. The reason why I’ve been so unhappy with my jobs and stuff. Reality sunk in after I started working. And reality darkened my ideal picture of my dream job. I shan’t comment what is the said “reality” but I can tell you that it isn’t pretty. In fact, far from that. I start to hate it. And to make things worst, there are way too many restrictions in my area of specialisation here. I wanted to go back to Nanjing badly. Working at the provincial hospital was taxing, but enjoyable.

In my quest to go back, I’ve been too caught up in the money race – so much so that I’ve lost sight of what first prompted me to want to have so much money. Along the way, I have fallen so many times that I’ve lost count. I start to lose faith. I start to sway. I start to wander off the main track. I am on the verge of giving up.

However, with this newfound realisation, I have pumped up enough courage to go back to the main track and continue my journey. Yes, even though my passion and dreams lie in helping, saving and changing lives, I need money to realise them. I also need money to feed my family.

There is a saying which my favourite professor always says: all routes lead to Rome. Yes, the main goal must always be in sight, but there are many ways to reach it. Some take a longer time, while others (and with considerable amount of luck), take a shorter time to reach the end goal.

Well, now that my main goal is clear again, I will push ahead with 100% of my heart and soul. With a higher level of enthusiasm, I am pretty sure the Law of Attraction will reciprocate. Gogogo, I can do it!!

On a side note, I guess maybe I should move on with my life.. Life is too short to live in sorrow. Work things in my favour instead of waiting for things to happen. I will work hard in all aspects of my life 🙂 You will see the old me again soon enough 🙂

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